Rebecca Ruige Xu is a professor of computer art at Syracuse University whose research explores the synergy between AI, data visualization, experimental animation, and interactive media. Her work investigates how emerging technologies, including AI, can enhance creative practice, with a focus on artistic data representation, visual music, and digital performance. Xu’s projects have been featured internationally at venues such as IEEE VIS Arts Program, SIGGRAPH & SIGGRAPH Asia Art Galleries, Ars Electronica, ISEA, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Italy, the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, the Colloquium Culture and Digitization in Switzerland, CYNETart in Germany, and the International Digital Art Exhibition in China. These exhibitions highlight her dedication to exploring the intersection of data, design, and technology in contemporary art.
In addition to her artistic contributions, Xu actively shapes the field through leadership roles, serving as Chair of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee, Co-Chair of the IEEE VIS 2023 and 2024 Arts Program, and co-founder of the ChinaVIS Conference Arts Program. She has also served on the Media Arts Advisory Panel for the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts and is a member of the Executive Committee for the Association of Chinese Artists in American Academia.
徐瑞鸽(Rebecca Ruige Xu)是雪城大学计算机艺术教授,其研究专注于人工智能、数据可视化、视觉音乐、实验动画和交互媒体之间的融合与创新。她的艺术作品在众多国际知名平台展出,包括IEEE VIS艺术项目、ACM SIGGRAPH艺术画廊、国际电子艺术协会(ISEA)年展、奥地利电子艺术节(Ars Electronica)、意大利罗马现代艺术博物馆,以及美国洛杉矶数码艺术中心等。除此之外,徐瑞鸽还曾在中美两国的电脑动画、影视特效、网络和用户体验设计领域积累了丰富的实践经验。
徐瑞鸽现任ACM SIGGRAPH数码艺术委员会主席,并担任全美高校中国艺术家学会执行委员会委员。她曾担任美国国家艺术基金媒体艺术咨询顾问、IEEE VIS 2023和2024艺术项目联合主席,以及太平洋可视化研讨会(IEEE PacificVis)2019和2020数据叙事竞赛共同主席。作为中国可视化与可视分析大会(ChinaVis)艺术项目的共同创建人和资深主席,她致力于推动艺术与数据可视化的跨界融合。